Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sergio Van Dijk: Persib Punya Modal Kuat Ke Papan Atas

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Ditanya terkait kemungkinan gol melalui tandukan kepalanya akan membuka jalan ke tim utama, Sergio pilih merendah.

LIPUTAN   GUNAWAN WIDYANTARA     DARI    BANDUNG     Idola anyar bobotoh Sergio van Dijk menciptakan gol pada debutnya bersama Persib Bandung. Sayang gol yang diciptakannya tersebut gagal menghindarkan Maung Bandung dari kekalahan karena harus mengakui keunggulan tuan rumah Persisam Samarinda 2-1.

Dihubungi Indonesia, Sergio tidak banyak bercerita soal gol yang diciptakannya namun dia mengutarakan rasa Kecewa dengan hasil yang didapat Persib. Meski demikian nada kecewa tersebut tidak menghentikan sang bintang untuk tetap bernada optimistis.

"Saya kecewa karena untuk merangsek ke papan atas Indonesia Super League (ISL) Persib harus meraih hasil yang tepat," kata Sergio.

"Persib punya kualitas untuk bersaing di puncak klasemen. Untuk memastikan ini, ke depannya kami akan berlatih keras sekaligus memastikan kelemahan Persib bisa diperbaiki."

Ketika ditanya terkait kemungkinan gol melalui tandukan kepalanya akan membuka jalan ke tim utama, Sergio pilih merendah dan bersikap realistis dengan menyerahkan keputusan itu pada pelatih.

"Saya baru berlatih seminggu bersama tim, biarlah urusan ini menjadi keputusan pelatih. Dia tahu apa yang terbaik bagi Persib."

Di pertandingan selanjutnya Persib akan menatap laga keras menghadapi tim yang tidak kalah tangguhnya yaitu Mitra Kukar, Kamis (21/2) di stadion Madya Aji Imbut. (gk-15) hadir via ponsel di alamat
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Kemenangan Awali Langkah Semen Padang Di Indonesian Premier League

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Permainan agresif Semen Padang tak bisa dibendung Pro Duta yang bertindak sebagai tuan rumah.

Juara bertahan Indonesian Premier League (IPL) Semen Padang mengawali musim ini dengan kemenangan ketika mengalahkan tuan rumah Pro Duta 2-0 di Stadion Baharoeddin Siregar Lubuk Pakam, Deli Serdang, Sabtu (16/2).

Unggul materi dan kualitas pemain, Semen Padang mendominasi laga, dan tidak memberikan kesempatan kepada Pro Duta untuk mengembangkan permainan. Tim tamu sudah membuka keunggulan melalui Esteban Vizcara pada menit ketujuh.

Umpan satu-dua yang dikembangkan Semen Padang membuat pertahanan Pro Duta jatuh bangun. Kubu tuan rumah kembali tertunduk setelah Edward Wilson Junior menjebol gawang tim promosi tersebut di menit ke-20.

Permainan Semen Padang dan Pro Duta tidak mengalami perubahan. Kendati sudah berusaha menambah kekuatan di sektor tengah, Pro Duta tetap tidak bisa menembus pertahanan lawan.

M Rifqi nyaris memperkecil ketertinggalan di menit ke-59, tapi tendangannya dari luar kotak penalti dapat ditepis kiper Jandia Eka Putra. Peluang kembali diperoleh Pro Duta lewat Gozali Muharam. Namun tendangannya masih terlalu lemah.

Walau memberikan tekanan di sepuluh menit terakhir, Pro Duta tetap tidak mampu untuk mengejar ketertinggalan mereka. Skor 2-0 tidak mengalami perubahan hingga pluit panjang ditiupkan wasit.

Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Prihatin Dengan Kisruh Sepakbola Nasional

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FIFA menyatakan akan menjadi kesedihan bagi penggembar sepakbola Indonesia bila terkena sanksi akibat keegoisan beberapa kelompok.

Presiden Republik Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono merasa prihatin dengan perkembangan kekisruhan sepakbola nasional yang tak kunjung berakhir.

Keprihatinan orang nomor satu di Indonesia ini terungkap dari surat balasan FIFA pada 13 Februari yang ditandatangani sekjen Jerome Valcke, dan diterima menteri pemuda dan olahraga (Menpora) Roy Suryo melalui faksimili pada 15 Februari.

“Kami mengucapkan selamat atas terpilihnya Anda sebagai menteri di departemen penting, dan terima kasih atas surat yang ditujukan kepada presiden FIFA, dan dibawa delegasi pimpinan Prof Dr Richardus Eko Indrajit yang mengunjungi FIFA,” demikian tulis Valcke di surat tersebut.

“Kami berbagi keprihatinan dengan Presiden Indonesia berkaitan dengan situasi berkepanjangan dan mengkhawatirkan di sepakbola Indonesia.”

“FIFA dan AFC telah sangat terlibat untuk mencoba menemukan solusi yang memadai, dan kami menghargai inisiatif Anda untuk membantu dalam mengupayakan situasi kondusif bagi semua pemangku kepentingan sepakbola dalam menyelesaikan perselisihan yang sedang berlangsung di antara pihak-pihak yang terlibat.”

“Situasi Sepakbola Indonesia telah menjadi bahan pembicaraan reguler di tingkat FIFA dan AFC. Seperti yang Anda ketahui, situasi sekarang menjadi lebih dari mendesak, karena masalah ini akan dibahas lagi oleh komite eksekutif FIFA dalam pertemuan berikutnya pada tanggal 20 Maret 2013.”

“Kami sangat berharap usaha Anda akan menghasilkan hasil yang baik, karena akan menyedikan, mengingat pecinta sepakbola Indonesia akan kehilangan olahraga favorit mereka akibat keegoisan dari beberapa kelompok.”

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Skuat Persepam Mulai Paham Taktik Pelatih

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GALERI: Jalan-Jalan Di London Ala Lukas Podolski GALERI: Jalan-Jalan Di London Ala Lukas Podolski

Di tengah-tengah kesibukan jadwal pertandingan dan latihan keras, Poldi menemukan jalan menarik untuk lepas dari rutinitas di waktu senggangnya.

Brendan Rodgers Desak Klub Datangkan Pemain Berpengalaman

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Rodgers menilai karakter menjadi satu-satunya kekurangan yang ada di Liverpool saat ini.

Manajer Liverpool Brendan Rodgers mendesak petinggi klub agar mengubah kebijakan mendatangkan pemain muda dengan menghadirkan pemain berpengalaman pada bursa transfer musim panas mendatang.

Liverpool mencatatkan hasil kurang menyenangkan pada musim ini, dan menelan kekalahan 2-0 dari Zenit St Petersburg di ajang Liga Europa. Rodgers meyakini, Liverpool harus mengubah kebijakan transfer mereka.

“Hal paling besar yang kami butuhkan di musim panas adalah mendatangkan beberapa pemain berpengalaman, karakter yang bisa memberikan dukungan kepada pemain lainnya dalam pertandingan,” ujar Rodgers dilansir kepada The Mirror.

“Itu kenyataan, kami tidak cukup bagus. Agar kami bisa berada di atas secara konsisten, kami harus meningkatkan mental kami.”

“Secara teknis, kami sangat mampu. Secara taktik, kami cukup menemukan apa yang diinginkan. Kondisi dan intensitas kerja mereka sangat tinggi, tapi hanya satu hal - mental. Itu area yang perlu ditingkatkan untuk mendapatkan karakter.”

Rodgers kemudian menunjuk Jamie Carragher, yang akan pensiun pada akhir musim, sebagai contoh tipe pemain berkarakter yang dibutuhkan.

“Lihat Jamie Carragher, dia bek terbaik kami. Dia sudah 35, tapi kami kehilangan karakter itu,” kata Rodgers.

“Itu harus segera diisi. Saya juga berpikir masih ada beberapa area di tim yang perlu ditingkatkan.”

Monday, February 18, 2013

Persisam Samarinda Beri Persib Bandung Kekalahan Pertama

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Persisam ( Persisam Samarinda sukses mewujudkan ambisinya meraih angka penuh setelah mengalahkan Persib Bandung 2-1 dalam lanjutan Indonesian Super League (ISL) di Stadion Segiri, Sabtu (16/2) malam WIB.

Tambahan tiga angka mengangkat posisi Persisam ke peringkat lima klasemen sementara usai mengoleksi nilai 11 dari tujuh pertandingan yang telah dijalani. Sedangkan kegagalan mendulang angka membuat Persib tak berubah di posisi ke-11 dengan nilai enam dari lima pertandingan.

Hasil itu juga membuat Persib untuk kali pertama menelan kekalahan. Dengan demikian, Persipura Jayapura menjadi satu-satunya tim yang belum pernah menelan kekalahan di musim ini.

Persisam dan Persib memperagakan permainan terbuka di pertandingan ini. Kendati demikian, Persisam memiliki peluang lebih baik, Ferdinand Sinaga dan Lancine Kone, namun belum membuahkan hasil.

Upaya Persisam untuk membuka keunggulan baru membuahkan hasil di menit ke-27. Tendangan bebas Ferdinand dari sisi kiri pertahanan Persib mengarah ke depan gawang Persib. Kiper I Made Wirawan gagal menghalau bola, dan si kulit bundar mengenai kepala Supardi, sehingga masuk ke dalam gawang.

Tertinggal satu gol, Persib mencoba meningkatkan intensitas serangan mereka. Peluang diperoleh Herman Dzumafo, namun kiper Fauzi Toldo dapat mementahkannya, sehingga skor 1-0 bertahan hingga babak pertama usai.

Permainan agresif tetap diperagakan Persisam dan Persib di babak kedua. Belum lama pluit ditiupkan wasit, Richard Obiora mendapatkan peluang, tapi sundulannya masih belum menemui sasaran.

Pelatih Persib Jajang Nurjaman kemudian memasukkan Sergio van Dijk, dan menarik keluar Kenji Adachihara di menit ke-52. Masuknya Van Dijk belum memberikan pengaruh apa pun bagi permainan Persib.

Selepas laga berjalan satu jam, Persib nyaris menyamakan kedudukan. Herman Dzumafo memanfaatkan kesalahan back-pass pemain Persisam, dan melepaskan tendangan dari sisi kiri pertahanan Persisam. Namun bola hanya meluncur di depan gawang yang kosong.

Alih-alih menyamakan kedudukan, gawang Persib bobol untuk kali kedua pada menit ke-72. Obiora yang masuk dari sisi kiri pertahanan Persib melepaskan umpan jauh ke kotak penalti, dan disambut tandukan Kone.

Van Dijk mencetak gol perdananya di ISL setelah ia mampu memperkecil ketertinggalan Persib pada menit ke-79. Umpan Herman Dzumafo disambut sundulan pemain naturalisasi ini yang menjebol gawang Fauzi Toldo.

Persib mencoba menyamakan kedudukan di waktu tersisa. Tendangan keras Firman Utina masih bisa ditinju Fauzi Toldo, dan pertandingan pun ditutup dengan skor 2-1.

Persisam Bersyukur, Persib Kurang Konsentrasi

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Pelatih Persib Bandung, Djajang Nurjaman menilai pertandingan berjalan cukup berimbang.

LIPUTAN     SLAMET RIYANTO     DARI     SAMARINDA     Pelatih Persisam Putra Samarinda, Sartono Anwar,  mengaku sangat bersyukur atas kemenangan yang diraih Timnya 2-1 (1-0) kala menjamu Persib Bandung, Sabtu (16/2) di Stadion Segiri Samarinda.

Ia juga mengakui dilaga ini sejumlah pemainnya tidak dalam kondisi fit lantaran baru pulih dari cedera.
"Ini laga yang cukup berat buat kami, beberapa pemain kami baru saja pulih dari cedera, karenanya saya sangat bersyukur dengan kondisi seperti ini kami bisa meraih kemenangan," terang Sartono dalam konfrensi pers usai pertandingan.

Ia juga mengakui masih ada kelemahan-kelemahan yang harus dibenahi di timnya. "Kita akan tertus akukan evaluasi agar bisa tampil lebih baik lagi kedepannya," tuturnya.

Sementara itu, Pelatih Persib Bandung, Djajang Nurjaman  menilai pertandingan berjalan cukup berimbang. "Sebenarnya pemain kami banyak mendapatkan peluang sepanjang pertandingan namun sayang hanya satu gol yang berhasil diciptakan," paparnya.

Ia mengakui timnya masih sering melakukan kesalahan. "Dua Gol kemenangan Persisam tercipta karena kesalahan pemain kami kurang konsen dalam menjaga pergerakan pemain Persisam," tuturnya.

Ditegaskan Djajang, kekalahan timnya dipertandingan ini tidak akan mengurangi semangat timnya menjalani laga-laga berikutnya. (gk-47)

Persebaya Pinjamkan Pemain Muda Ke Mojokerto Putra

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Beda operator tapi satu manajemen di bawah Gede Widiade

LIPUTAN     FAHRI RAYYANA     DARI     SURABAYA   Persebaya Surabaya meminjamkan empat pemain mudanya ke klub Divisi Utama Rheza Mojokerto Putra (RMP).  Kendati berbeda operator liga namun peminjaman itu mulus dilakukan karena kedua klub tersebut berada di satu manajemen di bawah piminan Gede Widiade. Di Persebaya, Gede sebagai CEO sedang di RMP sebagai Komisaris Utama.

Keempat pemain itu antara lain, bek Ambite Dolus, striker Pradibtya Galuh, kiper Fafa Tarista dan winger Wage Dwi Aryo. Keempat pemain ini sudah bergabung dengan Rheza-MP sebelum kompetisi Divisi Utama dimulai. Bahkan dua di antaranya, Fafa dan Aryo sudah memulai debut pekan lalu.

Pelatih Persebaya, Ibnu Grahan pagi membenarkan hal itu. Menurut Ibnu, peminjaman ini dilakukan untuk menambah jam terbang sang pemain. "Jika di Persebaya, kesempatan bermain mereka akan lebih kecil," terangnya.

Seperti Fafa misalnya. Di Persebaya, ia menyandang status kiper keempat. Fafa harus bersaing dengan Dimas Galih, Dedy Iman dan kiper utama sekaligus penggawa Tim Nasional (Timnas) Indonesia, Endra Prasetya. Persaingan di posisi Dolus juga tak kalah sengit. Sebab disana bercokol nama Erol Iba, Mat Halil, Yusuf Hamzah dan pendatang baru, Danny Saputra.

Sedangkan Aryo kalah bersaing dengan Rendi Irwan, Feri Ariawan atau Bima Ragil. "Lalu untuk posisi Galuh ada Fernando Soler, Aris Alfiansyah juga Andik Vermansyah yang bisa bermain sebagai penyerang," jelas mantan pemain Persebaya era 90an ini.

Selain, lanjut Ibnu, keempat pemain yang dipinjamkan rata-rata masih berusia di bawah 23 tahun dan minim pengalaman tanding di kompetisi. "Mereka masih milik Persebaya. Istilahnya mereka kita sekolahkan di Rheza-MP. Jika nanti mereka dirasa sudah mumpuni, maka kita tarik lagi ke Persebaya," jelasnya.

Tak hanya meminjamkan empat pemain mudanya ke klub berjuluk Laskar Mojopahit, salah satu asisten pelatih di Persebaya, Hartono juga hijrah ke Rheza-MP. Kini, Hartono menyandang status sebagai pelatih kepala tim asal Mojokerto itu. (gk-31)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

PSPS Pekanbaru Sikat Gresik United

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Pape N'diaye Latyr - PSPS Pekanbaru ( OLEH    DONNY AFRONI
PSPS Pekanbaru melanjutkan tren positif di kandang baru mereka di Stadion Tuanku Tambusai usai mengalahkan Gresik United 2-0 dalam lanjutan Indonesia Super League (ISL), Sabtu (16/2).

Tambahan tiga angka ini mengangkat posisi PSPS ke peringkat lima klasemen sementara. Tim Askyar Bertuah mengumpulkan poin sembilan dari tujuh pertandingan yang sudah dijalani.

Sedangkan kekalahan membuat Gresik United gagal mewujudkan ambisi memuncaki klasemen sementara. Tim Laskar Joko Samudro turun satu tangga ke peringkat ketiga dengan nilai 13 dari delapan laga yang dilalui.

Bermain di hadapan pendukungnya, PSPS menerapkan permainan agresif. Upaya tuan rumah untuk membobol gawang lawan sudah terwujud ketika pertandingan baru berjalan tujuh menit melalui Ndiaye Pape Latyr.

Selanjutnya, tidak mudah bagi PSPS untuk menggandakan keunggulan, karena Gresik United memberikan perlawanan sengit setelah tertinggal satu gol. Skor 1-0 bertahan hingga babak pertama usai.

Pertarungan sengit tetap diperagakan PSPS dan Gresik United. Ketatnya barisan pertahanan masing-masing lawan membuat kedua tim tidak bisa memaksimalkan untuk mengubah papan skor.

Publik tuan rumah akhirnya bersorak kegirangan setelah Konate Makan sukses menggandakan keunggulan sekaligus memastikan PSPS meraih kemenangan 2-0 di laga kedua mereka di Kampar.

Pro Duta Kalah Karena Takut

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Jafri Sastra menjelaskan timnya sukses membayar target tiga poin di tanah Deli.

LIPUTAN     NINA RIALITA     DARI     MEDAN     Pelatih Pro Duta Roberto Bianchi mengakui kekalahan timnya dari Semen Padang skor 2-0 di Stadion Baharoeddin Siregar, Lubukpakam, Deliserdang, Sabtu (16/2), lantaran pemainnya bermain tidak lepas.

"Dari awal, kekhawatiran saya untuk pertandingan ini bukan tim lawan, tapi ke tim saya sendiri. Karena pemain sangat muda, ya itu nampak langsung di pertandingan perdana, babak pertama main begitu bagus. Tapi, banyak ketakutan, dua gol Semen Padang karena keraguan pemain kami. Itulah kado kami untuk semen padang," ujarnya.

Menurut Beto-sapaan akrabnya, pada babak kedua, para pemainnya sudah bermain lebih baik. "Mereka (pemain) sudah lihat tim lawan bukanlah Real Madrid dan juga bukan Barcelona baru bisa bermain lepas. Babak kedua jelas kami unggul daripada Semen Padang. Kami kerja terus, pemain sudah sadar, lawan biasa saja tidak seperti yang dibayangkan," bebernya.

Perihal tiga pemain asingnya (Jose Galan, Jorge Yepes dan Dennis Romanovs) yang urung tampil, Beto mengaku hal tersebut merugikan timnya. Beto menjelaskan, Galan dan Yepes masih bermasalah dalam verifikasi, sedangkan Dennis Romanovs bermasalah dengan kontrak.

"Iya Dennis sebenarnya sudah bisa tampil, verifikasinya tidak masalah. Tapi ada masalah dengan kontraknya dengan klub Pro Duta. Dua lagi belum dapat verifikasi untuk main. Dari situ kami bisa lihat kami dirugikan terutama di posisi pasokan gelandang," tuturnya.

Beto kemudian memuji penampilan wasit Faurur Rossi yang menurutnya apik menjalankan pertandingan. "Dia (wasit) memimpin cukup bagus, biasanya tidak seperti itu," tegasnya.

Sementara itu, Pelatih Semen Padang, Jafri Sastra menjelaskan timnya sukses membayar target tiga poin di tanah Deli. "Pemain melakukan tugasnya dengan baik, mereka kerja keras terutama di babak pertama. Pro Duta bermain cukup baik kira-kira di 43 menit babak pertama terutama dalam penguasaan bola," jelasnya.

Semen Padang, lanjutnya pada babak kedua mengurangi ritme permainan, dan memilih counter attack. "Ada beberapa peluang, tapi tidak berbuah gol," jelasnya.

Sedangkan, pencetak gol Semen Padang, Esteban Viscara menambahkan, timnya bermain di tengah cuaca yang menurutnya panas. "Kami bermain bagus, cuaca panas sekali, lapangan keras jadi tidak bisa passing bawah," pungkasnya. (gk-38)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Filming Soap Operas, Andik Jeer Not Join Real Madrid

Andik Vermansyah - Indonesia - AFF Suzuki Cup 2012 COVERAGE OF FAHRI RAYYANA FROM SURABAYA  
Retainer Persebaya, Andik Jeer haven't joined in the centrality of the exercise. Cristiano is still busy filming the soap opera that was held in Jakarta.

"Yes, I was invited as a guest star mas," bright Andik.

Dare to take such decision Andik, after his club, Persebaya meliburkan exercise until the time has not been determined.

"Americans right off again. So, I took the chance, "he explained.

It's just that, the decision made him late to join the centrality of practice.

"The summons I received after I agreed to the filming. So, yeah-after was forced to join. But next week I'm already there (the field), "Frank Andik.

"But I had permission.  Because had to go to Jember, too. There are matters that must be resolved, "said the player who still be 21 this year.

In addition to Andik, two other Americans penggawa also called Transfer is Taufiq and Endra Richard. All three players became part of the national team a Garuda in the AFF Cup 2012. (gk-31) is present via mobile phone at address
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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sunday, Dilaunching-Persela Squads

Persela Lamongan ( Setiadi) ARFAH HAAMZAH COVERAGE of LAMONGAN Agenda launching Rybka team had experienced of uncertainty. However, a faint ripples that eventually answered already, because management of the team nicknamed Laskar Joko Tingkir already ensure, when squads Persela season 2012-13 will be introduced to the public this weekend.

"The Launching of the team we will surely Persela title on Sunday (13/1), but the place has changed. Because originally we plan will roll out the launching at the square, but do not always have him in the same time there have been used the agenda of others, "said Secretary tim Persela Muji Santoso as confirmed Indonesia.

Therefore, it continued, Muji chose to succumb to, because other parties who would wear the square Town of Lamongan on next week, ahead of applying for permits to the local Government. As an alternative, it would roll out the launching teams the season 2012/13, located in Lamongan Surajaya Stadium page.

"We will likely be held in the morning or the afternoon, let time launching can be rather long. But frankly, we want to own the launching held at the square like last season. But how else, conditions did not allow. Moreover, competition schedule already are on a budget, "he explained.

Last season, Rybka success deploying the launching in Lamongan town square and lasts quite festive, even though the show is packaged in a simple. At that time, hundreds of LA Mania, a term for the supporters, gathered already looks Persela square since the early afternoon, though the event took place at night.

"For the launching of this time there is no problem, and I'm optimistic it could semeriah last season. Because we already inform the leadership of the korwil [the Coordinator] LA Mania, far-away days. The ranks of Muspida Lamongan is also planned to be present in the launching later kok, "said Muji.

In the event, later launching Persela will introduce the punggawanya who will compete in the competition Indonesia Super League (ISL) season of 2012/13. They include, Gustavo Fabian Lopez, Mario Costas, Oh Inkyun, Roman Gollian, Choirul Huda, Jimmy Rinchuraj, Zaenal Arifin, and Dedi Indra.

Not only them, the new players like Samsul Arif Saiful, Lewanusa, Ultimate Chess, Arifki Eka Putra, Gilang Angga, Dawn Handika, Djayusman Triasdi, as well as Hang Sa Minh, also will be introduced. And of course, the new head coach Gomes de Oliveira, who replaced the position of Miroslav Janu.

"We want to launch can take place in a simple, but has a deeper meaning to do. Do not let the launching of luxury, but later we keteteran time of the competition. To be sure, all should be able to contribute a maximum of and provide the best for the 2012 season Persela/13, "said Assistant Manager Rybka Yuhronur Effendi.

There is already a heavy challenge in sight for Gomes and sons asuhnya, kala Persela would entertain Persepam Madura United (P-MU) in derby, East Java on January 16. Last season under the direction of Miroslav Janu, Persela managed to finish in the top four of the standings. (gk-43)

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BEC Tero Tolak Irfan Bachdim

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Irfan Bachdim OLEH    ADHE MAKAYASA     Ikuti Adhe Makayasa di twitter

Salah satu klub Liga Primer Thailand (TPL) BEC Tero Sasana, dikabarkan telah menolak untuk merekrut seorang Irfan Bachdim, demikian laporan seperti yang dilansir Thailand.

Seperti diketahui, Irfan sendiri sempat mengikuti seleksi bersama BEC dan diturunkan pada babak kedua saat berujicoba dengan Nakhonratchasima FC, Minggu (6/1) kemarin.

Menanggapi penolakan tersebut, Thanya Wongnak selaku general manager BEC Tero menyatakan: “Irfan [Bachdim] adalah pemain yang bagus, namun mungkin tidak terlalu bagus bagi kita untuk saat ini.

“Kami mengharap yang terbaik untuknya dalam hal mencari klub yang cocok buat dia," tutup Thanya.

Adapun setelah ditolak oleh The Fire Dragon, Irfan kabarnya masih akan berusaha untuk mencari klub di Thailand sebagai tempat labuhan.

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Monday, January 14, 2013

EKSKLUSIF: Tinggalkan Arema, Andrew Barisic Gabung East Bengal

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Andrew Barisic - Arema Indonesia IPL ( EKSKLUSIF   PADDY HIGGINS  PENYUSUN   TAUFIK BAGUS     Andrew Barisic memutuskan untuk meninggalkan sepakbola Indonesia dan hijrah ke India, membela klub East Bengal.

Mantan pemain Goald Coast United itu sudah menandatangani kontrak bersama East Bengal dan kemungkinan akan melakoni debutnya pada pertengahan Januari ini.

"Saya tak sabar untuk bisa kembali ke sana," katanya secara eksklusif kepada jurnalis Paddy Higgins.

"Di Indonesia, dengan situasi saat ini, saya tak melihat adanya perkembangan di sana dengan adanya kompetisi di liga lainnya."

"Saya hanya berpikir pindah akan menjadi langkah bagus kali ini dalam karir saya, dan mengapa juga tidak mencoba sesuatu yang berbeda?"

"Kesempatan itu datang dan saya tak sabar lagi," tandasnya.

Bersama Arema IPL, Barisic sempat mencetak enam gol di musim 2011/12 dan berlaga di perempat-final Piala AFC melawan Al Ittifaq pada September.

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Italy Player Ratings: Juventus Needed An Extra Quality, But Could Not Afford A Shopping Spree

Nedved & Agnelli - Juventus NOTE CESARE POLENGHI COMPILERS DONNY DOYLE at a time when many people predict will dominate Juventus Italy Serie A season 2012/13, Sampdoria reminds us of the beautiful football that can't be predicted, and deserved the victory, beating the defending champions at the same time pemuncak the standings with a score of 2-1.

It is the result of soccer where Italy benefit, due to reopen the competition for the title, and also reminding Juventus that no team that could not be defeated. Of course the match was characterised by a number of American teams unfortunately Antonio Conet: some penalties not given to Alessandro Matri, blunders, Gianluigi Buffon and his injuries spontaneously Claudio Marchisio makes the Bianconeri failed to get results, at least a draw.

But the fact was like that. Juventus played with 11 players against ten men for most of the game after Gaetano Berardi rewarded the red card, and playing at home, as well as superior to one goal. Conte and the players have certainly profited more than luck: matches are supposed to be their real.

Post holiday winter fun, Juventus plays at them with an incredible intensity in the first round: Andrea Pirlo control bait-bait, Sebastian Giovinco was in high spirit conditions, and the contribution of players such as Paolo De Ceglie and Alessandro Matri in every ball they mastered, as well as in guest team stayed in its own area for 45 minutes. The results of very concrete examples only an own goal from the penalty kick.

In the second half, when Giovinco started to fatigue, and fail to maximize bait-bait, light began dimming. The influx of Mirko Vucinic's late game is not enough to return to the correct path for the host. Juventus might fall into the wilderness, and Sampdoria's defense little chance being created. Again, failing to produce goals.

The main problem this time Conte is already known, and it happened again in the match: a balance between quantity and quality is quite bad, mengkreasi attacks are very numerous, but too often failed to turn it into goals.

Maybe it can be diperdepabatkan because this is the desire, regardless of paradigm works, or throughout the season as Juventus Sunday match live is destined. With a number of offensive players such as Giovinco and Vucinic participate build games with create space, already sure they often get a situation where final settlement of their not too sharp, because they all just ran throughout the game.

What Juventus need is not just the players who can do a similar job, but also transforms opportunities into goals on a regular basis. The name that comes to mind is like Kun Aguero or Luis Suarez. But players such as this cannot be reached by a 1997 financial Italy Club. Even further. In addition to financial problems, bringing striker superstars with high salaries very risky in the body of a team that has shown a good performance throughout the year.

Pretty obvious Conte is likely to have to work with the material that he have, keeps in mind is enough for the Serie A title for the second time, and possibly go into eight of the Champions League.

At the same time, look at the future of Juventus who need to bring quality players, which means that the players can give something in such a match against Sampdoria. Until then, when Conte realized he could rely on Andrea Pirlo, the player most Giovinco and Vucinic should improve performance, and provide more for what the team needed most: that is a goal-scorer.

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Ezequiel Gonzales Is Convinced Newcastle Competed

Ezequiel Gonzales - Persiba Bantul ( Bantul remained Indonesia's competition will follow the Premier League (IPL). Although there were rumors appear did not participate because Crystal competition sponsor uncertainty, but managers say U.S. Briyanto Warriors of Sultan Agung still exist. They will still be competing.

That belief was also submitted by Argentina, the midfielder Ezequiel Gonzales. According to him, many years of hard-fought Persiba has to go to the highest level. It's hard work certainly will not be wasted by Persiba.

"I am optimistic Persiba remains will join the competition this season. Persiba has fought hard for five years to realize the desire of performing at the top level of competition. It's hard work may not be wasted, "said Ezequiel to Indonesia.

As a form of the seriousness of the Club following the competition, the management of contracts handing braced to the players. Persiba players who do not want to recommend a trainer regardless because it doesn't immediately tied up.

"We immediately contacted the players. We do not want them off to other clubs. There is no prakontrak. They immediately signed the contract, "says Briyanto.

Persiba himself is back live exercise after the new year's holiday. Coach Sajuri Martyrs were preparing several trials in preparation for the team. Only, the admittedly incomplete squads because some players like goalkeeper Wahtu Tri Nugroho, Slamet Nurcahyo and Nopendi are called. (gk-51)

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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Rybka Began To Reduce The Share Of Physical Exercise

The middle of next week, Rybka squads will be initiating its action in Indonesia Super League (ISL) season of 2012/13. However, the team is nicknamed Laskar Joko Tingkir begin to reduce the portion of the physical training of the punggawanya, and started to increase the intensity of exercise strategies and tactics to play. According to head coach Rybka Gomes de Oliveira, physically the players are now ready in the live action Prime cons Persepam Madura United (P-MU), which is scheduled to take place in its own enclosure, Lamongan Surajaya Stadium, Wednesday (16/1). "Physically, I don't think the players are ready. It's just mental, cooperation needs to be improved and compete again. Therefore, we focus on adding to the exercise game, in order to further hone schemes and tactics to play the players, "says Gomes de Oliveira to Indonesia. Brazil-born coach added, this results in pre-season tournament Trophy East Java Governor 2012 today, not can be used as a rule of thumb in the ISL bergulirnya to meet the 2012/13 season. "There is still much that needs to be addressed again, even though we won the Governor's Cup in 2012. There is no reason, all players must be willing to work hard and no one has yet, to provide the best for Persela ISL in later, "he said. Of the few times a game plan already dilakoni Persela along a trial game at Gomes pre-season, started to look the players who would fill in the starting line up. For the position of goalkeeper, seemed not far from the figure of Choirul Huda, who played well during the season yesterday. While the defensive Quartet, seem to be entrusted in Anga historical relic in the sector right Defender and Saiful Lewanusa in the position of left back. While the two ' walls ' defense right in front of Choirul Huda, apparently still not far from foreign current duet Persela, Roman Gollian and Sa Minh Hang. Midfielder still belongs to Jimmy Rinchuraj, Gustavo Fabian Lopez and newcomer Checkers Ultimate, which is plotted as a midfielder. While the attacker, will be filled by a trio of Mario Costas, Samsul Arif and Oh Inkyun. "For the near future, most likely we will not add a new player, for the preparation of the budget as well. We had agreed with the team trainer, will optimize existing players at this time, while continuing to fix the deficiencies that exist, "said Assistant Manager Rybka Yuhronur Effendi. Yuhronur adds, when now it the middle of communicating about the status of the new players. "Now we live patented new contract players, especially Sa Minh Hang. For a list of the 2012/13 season squads, should be deposited to the PT LI (Liga Indonesia), "pungkasnya. Season 2011/12, Rybka squad under the direction of Miroslav Janu (who is now training with West Ham in the premier division of PT LI), managed to finish in the top four of the standings. With material that does not change much, mampukah Gomes brings similar results Persela squads? Exciting to wait. (gk-43) is present via mobile phone at address
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The Third Day Of Practice-Still Without Star Player

Timnas Indonesia ( Rialita) COVERAGE of NINA RIALITA FROM MEDAN there's not much development of the addition of players on the third day of training Senior at Mini of North Sumatra University (USU). There are three additional players to join. A Total of 16 players who've been following an exercise, but still without star players like Cristiano Jeer, Irfan Bachdim, Pepe, also other ISL players.

With 16 players, coach Nile Maizar adds his team training material using almost the entire field from previous which is only half of the field.

"That is important this week will have to recondition test to restore the condition of the player to the beginning. Today the material exercise endurance for endurance player. There is indeed a revision in the exercise, which usually play the game with ten players ten opponents, last six opponents to just six. Yes we maximize what exists, we still run according to what our point, "he said in a Mini Stadium USU.

Nil explained, the number of players will grow tomorrow. As a player with West Ham and Wolves will be present.

"Try that later we will see. If they're baseball comes, later we ask why. That confirmed my phone and immediately was Taufik and Hendra, "timpalnya.

All about Irfan Bachdim, Nile explains the players already have permission to follow TC. Because, Irfan is grieving after his grandmother died. Irfan a selection in Thailand Premier League Clubs (TPL), BEC Tero Sasana should be left for the Netherlands.

"Irfan Bacdhim, God willing. Her grandmother died in the Netherlands, he ran out of FUEL and permission of my grandmother's burial could be new here. So she immediately from Bangkok to the Netherlands, "he explained.

To test your Prime face Jordan February 1, upcoming, former architect of Semen Padang said, there will only be two naturalized players, namely Irfan Bachdim Maitimo and Rafael.

"Actually we intend to include Stefano Lilipaly, but because of the problems the Club [plays for Almere City FC], Passport does not yet exist, it is difficult," he said.

While other players, naturalization, Tony Cussel, according to Nile, will not be called. The Nile does not spell out the reasons no longer call Tonny that AFF Cup also appeared on 2012.

"Anyway the baseball called only lah. Ask me the same Koeswoyo, "he said.

To Jordan, Nile says it will take 23 players.  According to him, the delay occurred because the ticket barriers.

"The coach was right to think of tactics and strategies in the field. Ticket issues that we expect management and players that could come up. Prior to this, which is full, we will make the most of it, "body size.

About the players who haven't joined the ISL, he did not want to comment much. Including the info is through running text on television about ten ISL players mentioned will join.

"Who are the players that have joined the ISL as well I want to ask. Because I also recently read in the running text. And, it should be confirmed, if not obviously Yes for what. If I were a lot of players who come up better. But I don't want to comment [about players not later if ISL has also joined the club banned because] that their affairs. I take care of the players come to practice, "he said. (gk-38)

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hat-Trick Cristian Gonzales Between Arema Craze

Cristian Gonzales - Arema ISL By ADHE MAKAYASA     Makayasa Adhe Follow on twitter

Arema successfully scooped up full points when entertaining guests from the land of Papua, Persidafon Cyclops in the stadium Kanjuruhan, Malang, Wednesday (9/1) afternoon GMT. In this match, striker gaek Cristian Gonzales scored a hat-trick in the victory Singo Edan 5-2.

In the early first half, Rahmad Darmawan immediately excelled rapidly through the peace of Gonzales. In the ninth minute, Spurn the harshness of the penalty box was prevented by goalie Selsius Gebze. As for the goals, created after El Loco utilizing feedback from Joko Sasongko.

Do not want to Miss Persidafon, try pressing. In the 13th minute, Eduard Ivak in doing a quick counter attack to penetrate the heart of the defence. However, in an open plan, he still soared over the crossbar to the control of the Midfield.

When the game will enter the minutes, there are two goals that would be created. The first creations born from action Beto Goncalves in the 18th minute, where he successfully utilizes kelengahan back opponents. Nabar, turn opener success in and out of State to 2-1 by directing the ball into the upper right corner of the net.

Do not stop until there: closing the course of the first half with the score 4-1. Is returning the ball placed Gonzales in the 25th minute through a header. And five minutes ahead of the first round is over, the naturalization of players fulfil hatt-trick him after receiving feedback from Joko Sasongko, back with the headings.

Enter the second 45 minutes, Arema practically dominates. Just three minutes of the second half played out, Keith Gumbs directly change the scoreboard in Kanjuruhan became 5-1. In a scheme, the successful players unintentionally execute bait pull from the wings.

Lagging far, Persidafon try to suppress every now and then and is able to involve a home team's defense. In the 54th minute, the movement of Yekerek that confuse Joko Sasongko still haven't been able to make the most of it.

Pressed out, a team the Eagles thus Papua is able to minimize the score being 5-2 through creations Nabar at minute 66. However, there are no more goals scored to end the action.


Ogc Nice:Midfield, Hendro Siswanto, Victor Igbonefo, Theiry Gathusi, Al Farizie, Sukadana, Joko Sasongko, Sunarto, Kayamba Gumb, Beto Goncalves, Cristian Gonzales.

Persidafon: Selsius Gebze, M Haay, Andri Ibo, M. Cireli, F. Amo, Z Rumkabu, Eduard Ivak, IZ Wanggai, Makanuay, Yekerek, Nabar.

Sriwijaya FC Fired Ali Khadafi

Ali Khadafi - Pemain Tim Bontang FC ( / Dhedhe D.) COVERAGE HENSYI FITRIANSYAH FROM PALEMBANG, Sriwijaya FC Management return to the termination of his contract against their foreign players. Of the four foreign players owned, management decided to exclude foreign players from Togo, namely Ali Khadafi, with numbered letter, 19/players/SFC/IX/19.

Dismissal against Khadafi made after evaluation meetings conducted through management. Khadafi scored less contributing to the team all along, because that's the Sriwijaya FC was forced to remove the Khadafi.

"We've been doing the last evaluation meeting. Of these meetings, we decided to release Ali Khadafi. We must strengthen the position that had become a weak point Sriwijaya FC, so with a heavy heart, we have to find a replacement, "said Khadafi Sriwijaya FC manager Robert Heri, Wednesday (9/1), Indonesia.

Added Robert, his side are ready to bear the consequences of the dismissal this Khadafi pursuant to section contained in the draft employment contract, which was signed in advance by the management and the players.

According to Robert, with dilepasnya Ali Khadafi, now Sriwijaya FC are looking for two players to meet the quota of five foreign players, with the composition of one Asian foreign players and one non-Asian foreign player.

Director of finance PT Sriwijaya Optimistic self help Augie Bunyamin says at the moment to bring the affair and drop players, have become the responsibility of the Manager and Assistant Manager Robert Heri Muchendi.

"If Robert Pack said, Khadafi Ali removable detachable means, Yes, because now to bring in and drop the player can ask directly to Sir Robert as a Manager," said Augie. (gk-42)

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Teams Win, Manager Of Gresik United Not Satisfied

Matsunaga Shohei - Gresik United & Ortizan Salossa - Persipura Jayapura ( Arfah) COVERAGE OF ARFAH HAMZAH FROM GRESIK  
Initiate gait in Indonesia Super League (ISL) season 2012/13, Gresik United is able to win over with a thin Persiram Raja Ampat. In a game that took place at the Estadio petrochemicals, Tuesday (8/1) squads Gresik United win 1-0. The only goal that happened in this game, was bolted by Aldo Barreto in the 54th minute. Utilizing feedback from a free-kick released by Gustavo Chena, Aldo Barreto successful Gore to play ball, as well as beguiling Persiram Jendry Pitoy dead steps away.
"I am still not satisfied with the game shown on the team this time. I think there are still many aspects that need to be addressed, "says the Manager of Gresik United Thoriq Majiddanor, when a session of a press conference after the match. What was familiar from greeting-Jiddan Thoriq Majiddanor, very grounded. Gresik United squad because it actually has a lot of opportunities, which can be converted into goals in this match. Unfortunately, up to the length of the whistle is tuned by the referee marks the end of the match, score 1-0 to win the team nicknamed Laskar Joko Tingkir were unchanged. "We still have enough time, to be able to fix the flaws before the team's next game. Therefore, revamping the team would keep we did together with a team of coaches, "he said. He hopes, in the next game when entertaining Persidafon Cyclops on Tuesday (15/1) future, Gresik United squad can improve performance. It is because, the management of Gresik United aiming for ISL Champions Trophy season of 2012/13. "It's a match, so there may still be a player not ready mentally. But I'm optimistic, we will improve the performance of the team on the next game. And the victory this time, auto will help the players psychologically in the Magpies next, "explained Jiddan. In the meantime, his own Persiram squads is not without a chance in this game. Several times the attacker Persiram commanded by Jerry Boima Karpeh, also seems troublesome goalkeeper Gresik United Hery Prasetyo. But weak finishing Persiram attackers, making them fail to score a goal. "Now it's her I worry about, since we came here. I've said to you during a field test today, when I highlight mental match our players. And it proved to be right in the match this time? So the opportunity is there, passing for granted, "lamented coach Persiram Jaya Hartono. However, Jaya Hartono hinting will not add new players, while PT Indonesia League as the ISL operator gives the player transfer deadline up to January 19, 2013. "We will not be adding a player, I will try to make the most of existing players only. This is not a matter of technique, but more on the mental. I am sure, the players have to be better at crunch time the next game at the met, "bright Jaya Hartono. In the game this time, referee Hendi was issued four yellow cards. Three cards to the team Persiram, respectively to Qudian Kubay, Marco Kabiay and Elvis Harewan. While one more yellow card awarded to the home team, namely to David Faristian. (gk-43) is present via mobile phone at address
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Friday, January 11, 2013

Manchester United Get Sponsorship From Indonesia

Old Trafford, home of Manchester United (Getty) By ADHE MAKAYASA     Makayasa Adhe Follow on twitter

Manchester United try to plug her nails deeper in Indonesia after they announced a partnership with a manufacturer of tyres, the Multistrada.

In a description of the response to this cooperation, the United commercial Director Richard Arnold said: "Manchester United is pleased to receive the Multistrada as official tire partner in Indonesia," said Arnold.

"We have always found great support in the country, and our sponsors it is important to connect with our fans in there."

As for cooperation, United and tire company that originated in Bekasi that berudrasi over three and a half years.

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Hanafi, Coach Of Anyer PSS Sleman

Fans PSS Sleman ( Setiadi)The puzzle of who mengarsiteki PSS Sleman missed already. Through a rigorous selection process and a long, pointed official PSS Hanafi as team coach to face the season premier division PT LPIS.

Hanafi indeed compete with a number of names, the former coach of the PSS in last season, Widiantoro, Dananjaya Bonggo, personal and even Rudy Keltjes W.. Incidentally, Rudy has ever mengarsiteki Javan hawk-eagle. However, Hanafi, elected with a variety of considerations.

"The first is a dikantunginya coach license. In addition, the price or value of the contract in accordance with our budget. And, more importantly, he meets a target laid undertakes, "said Pustopo, the Secretary of PSS, told Indonesia.

This season, the PSS was hoping for higher achievements. They are targeting the areas/groups or at least ranked two in regular competition. However, PSS is still not thinking of promotion to the English Premier League (IPL).

"That obviously could secure PSS next season if you are in that position. We still do not know whether there is promotion and relegation this season. Information received does not exist because it is directed at the Union League, "he said.

Hanafi also could not objection when performance is evaluated as one month or every quarter. Therefore when its performance is not satisfactory, he could be dismissed in the middle of the season.

Coach who coached various clubs, including this Exactly, is expected soon to do a selection of players. Manager of PSS Rumadi early selection reveals only local players. The players also joined following the selection.

"Furthermore, the foreign players will be selected. But we are prioritizing local players. Foreign players recruited when it meets the needs of the team and the price is in accordance with our financial condition, "said Rumadi. (gk-51)

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Thursday, January 10, 2013

TC National Team Players Still Without ISL

Timnas Indonesia ( Rialita) COVERAGE of NINA RIALITA of FIELD exercises that focus the second day (of camp tranning/TC) For Senior still Indonesia without the arrival of players ISL. Exercise held at USU Mini Stadium on Tuesday (8/1) morning followed only 13 players. An additional two players who attended was the great Supriyanto (Lukaku) and Agus Nova (Bali Devata)

National Team Coordinator, Bob Hippy said players expected as from Arsenal, West Ham, Qpr expected to arrive Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. "Probably tomorrow night or until in Medan. This night I will depart Jakarta and will meet Pepe, "he said in a Mini Stadium USU.

Bob explains it lists players who called the PSSI to AFC to join the Pre Asian Cup 2015. However, he said in addition to depending on the willingness of players to defend the national side, also depends on the willingness of the Passport. "A lot can be registered. However, additional players not necessarily depart, passports must rely. If she was nice but didn't have a passport could not play. Last night we list. Listed are many, but back to the passport, although later leaving only 23, "body size.

In the making of the passport, he said PSSI assisted. "Indeed, assisted by PSSI, but no right is as easy as that. Because, timingnya too fast, "he said.

Bob Hippy also ensures the centralization of training senior international very helpful minimalisir budget. Sihar Sitorus (exco field of competition), he continued to help financing. "Yes save you, because if I have to pay than Rp1 million for the hotel for a single person, here only pay Rp300 thousand. Because of the budget for 70 percent of it for hotel and meals. It's huge budget. Many assisted Mr. Sihar, because he's also a person here (the field), "body size.

During his time in the field, players stay at Hotel Saka terrain, three star hotel. The Hotel is also family-owned Revelation Wahab, President Pro Ambassadors FC. While the Stadium field in USU used without free of charge.

In addition, Bob reveals the centrality of training in Medan to help stir up persepakbolaan of North Sumatra. This is backed by the the lack of North summoned players join the TC.
"He thus TC here let there are players enter the field two or three more years, hopefully there's been more (players of North Sumatra senior)," he explained.

Bob who is reviled just about accommodate players POUND Papua to join the TC, claimed to have had a team scouting to monitor players who called from the level of the POUND. North Sumatra alone entered the final round match in the POUND Riau 2012, and some players had called the U-23 national team. "Yes we've had teams scouting for it," kilahnya.

Meanwhile, Indonesia's national technical director, Danur Window that monitors exercise on the second day, haven't been able to comment much about the strength of the team. "These players have yet to complete, it is difficult to give my comments. May be different after two thirds of the players come, or tomorrow (cast). Now, I can not value. But for sure, we want to get a good team, "he said.

From the later national trackrecord timesheet minimal player of Indonesia, in fact willian development assess Danur fair well. However, national team filled with young players. "Its okay even without the best players, but the players (national team in AFF Cup 2012) have experience. If the young players to continue, they can also be cooked from the experience. Of course, if the power that exists like this, Pre Asian Cup competition will be very tough. The opponents faced are more strong, "said the former national team coach.

Former Real Madrid coach is hoping the players called to join. "The hope all players want to join. But we are going to maximize what exists, because if we wait on, we also do not yet know (whether the player wants to join a TC), "he explained.

However, Danur offensive a matter of facilities the Stadium Court Mini USU, which he rippled. "The Field is still uncertain. Really tender, but it's still bumpy. So the road and passing a bit difficult. But I see there is a sand in there (sidelines), can be fixed later, "body size.

While still from the same location, in the second day of practice, coach of the national side of the Nile Maizar provided the material to strengthen the defense. With just 13 players, Nil uses only half the Stadium Court Mini USU.  "I am more focused to the defense, how players could face attacks. And, how when in a State of distress, the player can get out of the pressure, "said former coach Semen Padang.

About the players who still have not fully present in the centrality of the Nile will ensure the exercise, utilizes existing players. "We make the most of it, if we say interferes with the exercise program later we shall see. Because all depends on us, "pungkasnya. (gk-38)

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Cyclops Persidafon Is Ready To Surprise Your Favourites?

Alberto Goncalves Beto - Arema ISL By UNRULY PARAMARTHA     follow on twitter Persidafon Cyclops didn't feel inadequate when on a trip to the headquarters of the Arema filled with players labeled star, advanced action in Indonesia Super League (ISL) today.

It is expressed by Assistant Coach Persidafon, Sudirman. He says his team have prepared a strategy to head off Singo Edan.

"We came here to bring 18 players, our preparation course portion of the exercise already
given coaches to face Osasuna with strategies that have been prepared, "said Sudirman.

"Regarding the composition of the team Arema, they were one of the best, all former top score ISL last season were strong candidates and a Crunch champions LEAGUE this season, but we are also melakuakn of preparation so that we will not cede victory away to Osasuna. For the results of tomorrow's (today) we pass to the player as well as God. "

In the meantime, assistant coach Arema, Setya, admitted his team would not underestimate Persidafon, let alone this is the match that is usually quite difficult.

"Usually the first game was very hard even though it's the world's game. We must improve our mental after failing in the previous trials, "he said.

"We also appreciate the words asisiten Persidafon coach but players cannot guarantee victory when the lack of cohesiveness of the team. This is done so that the team Arema rigoni games so could melakuakn ball position. "

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